Vineet Kumar Singh is an Indian actor, writer, and filmmaker known for his versatility and impactful performances. Recently the actor sat down with Bollywood Bubble to talk about his upcoming film Match Fixing. Vineet also discussed his professional and personal life sharing his struggles. Vineet Kumar Singh opened up on working with Red Chillies, a production house of Shah Rukh Khan. The actor shared some fond memories with SRK.
Vineet Kumar Singh recalls his meet with Shah Rukh Khan
When quizzed if Vineet Kumar Singh ever relates his struggles with the Jawan actor, Vineet said, “No, there’s no struggle to share. He is a very beautiful person. He came, achieved such great heights, and has been in the industry for over 30 years now. Even today, not just in India but in many countries across the world, people love him immensely. So, there’s something special about him.”
Vineet Kumar Singh about visiting Mannat
Vineet further shared, “After Mukkabaaz, I went to Shah Rukh Khan Sir’s house. The experience he gave me was very special. Later, I also got the opportunity to work in his production house, Red Chillies. That too was a very good experience. I also worked on Betaal with Red Chillies. Once again, it was a beautiful experience.”
Vineet Kumar Singh discussed his struggles and his take on nepotism. The actor was also seen getting emotional speaking about his professional life.