Actors Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are reportedly set to tie the knot soon, in an intimate wedding ceremony. The wedding celebrations of the couple will take place from April 13 to April 17, as per reports. Reports suggest that the couple will be having an intimate ceremony in Mumbai itself. If reports are to be believed, Alia and Ranbir Kapoor will be tying the knot at the Krishna Raj bungalow in Mumbai’s Bandra. Amidst the buzz about Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding, there are a few celebrities who might get married soon.
Apart from Alia and Ranbir’s wedding, here are celebrity marriages to look forward to!
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt
The Krishna Raj bungalow was decked up with lights on Sunday. Even Alia reacted to a video related to her wedding buzz and confirmed the nuptials will happen soon, in some way. Ranbir and Alia will reportedly host a grand reception for friends and family at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai, on April 17.
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Tara Sutaria and Adar Jain
The rumoured couple have not confirmed their relationship, but their social media PDA proves they’re hopelessly in love. Tara is also clicked attending the Kapoor family get-togethers with Adar. The couple has also jetted off on vacations together. Earlier, there were reports that Adar will be getting married to Tara, even before cousin Ranbir. However, it looks like the couple has changed their plans for now.
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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck
Popularly known as ‘Bennifer’, Jennifer and Ben left fans in a frenzy when reports of their engagement made headlines recently. Yes! Everyone’s favourite couple is engaged once again, nearly two decades after calling off their engagement. Ben skipped the pink diamond ring and popped the question to JLo with a green diamond one. And, we’re still processing!
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Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal
This Fukrey couple has been going strong for a long time now. They are pure goals and have often expressed what they mean to each other. Richa and Ali were to get married in April 2020. However, the couple decided to keep their plans on hold due to the pandemic. As per reports, Ali and Richa plan to get married, in Summer, this year.
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Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom
About three years ago, Bloom popped the question to the Roar singer. He proposed to her with a stunning flower ring on Valentine’s Day. The lovebirds even welcomed a daughter and named her Daisy. However, their marriage plans were postponed, courtesy of the pandemic.
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Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly
MGK proposed to Fox in the sweetest way possible. He went down on his one knee and popped the question to his ladylove. The couple got engaged at the exact same spot they first met, over a year after meeting on the sets of their movie. How romantic!
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Alanna Panday and Ivor Mccray
Chunky Panday’s niece and actor Ananya Panday’s cousin announced her engagement to her longtime boyfriend, Ivor, late last year. The young couple made it official, hosting an intimate traditional Indian engagement in Mumbai. Friends and family of the couple attended the intimate gathering.
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Britney Spears and Sam Asghari
The Toxic singer got engaged to her longtime boyfriend, after nearly five years of dating. The couple made an official announcement shortly before Britney Spears’ Conservatorship hearing, in September 2021.
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Also Read: Alia Bhatt to Kartik Aaryan: Bollywood actors who kissed in their debut movies