Per annum salary: 5 Cr onwards

Could be more, but not less!
Climbs, jumps faster than Spiderman

We vouch for this. He climbed an entire mountain everyday, until he finally found Tamanna.
Good with elders

The guy who stays awake when the mother is feverish. *Drools*
Doesn’t eye on in-laws’ property

In fact he is so generous, he gave his own kingdom away!
Your free-of-cost tattoo artiste

Remember he painted an entire tattoo on Tamanna's feet, that too underwater?
This guy has beaten everyone else in the race of being an eligible bachelor. Post the mammoth success of ‘Baahubali’ franchise, women are going absolutely gaga over Prabhas, and how! He has received a few thousand marriage proposals, if not more; and we also hear he has been offered to endorse two matrimonial websites! (Also Read: Prabhas has a crush on THIS Bollywood beauty!)
Ever wondered how would Prabhas prove himself a good groom, if he had a matrimonial profile? Check this out.
P.S. Purely fictional!
Image Source:
2) Bollyarena
3) Telegraph India
4) Scrolltoday
5) Bollywoodlife
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.