Filmmaker Puri Jagganadh unveiled the trailer of the upcoming romantic film called ‘Romantic’. The trailer was launched by none other than Superstar Prabhas. He graced the trailer launch event and wished the film for its success. He also took to his Facebook to wish good luck to the team. He wrote, “Akash’s #Romantic is hitting the theatres on October 29th. Very happy to see him grow and make a name for himself. Good luck to the entire team.”
Talking about the Romantic trailer, this Akash Puri and Ketika Sharma starrer promises a hot romance drama. As the name suggests we can see great chemistry between the two actors and there are several steamy and passionate love-making scenes in the movie. The film also stars Ramya Krishnan as a cop, who had earlier played Prabhas’ mother in the blockbuster Baahubali series. However, the crackling chemistry between the lead pair is the show-stealer.
Check out Prbahas’ post below:
The movie is directed by Anil Paduri while the music is by Sunil Kashyap. The romantic drama is produced by Puri Jagannadh and Charmme Kaur under the banner of Puri Connects. For the unversed, Akash Puri, who is also known as Master Akash Puri, is the son of the film director and producer Puri Jagannadh. He became the talk of the town after featuring in the title role in Prakash Raj’s directional movie Dhoni.
Speaking of Prabhas, he has a string of upcoming movies. He is gearing up for Adipurush with Kriti Sanon Om Raut, Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh. He also has Salaar with Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone, and Sandeep Reddy’s Spirit. The actor recently launched posters of his upcoming movie Radhe Shyam too.
Check out Romantic Trailer:
Check out the video from the trailer launch:
Also Read: Adipurush: Saif Ali Khan wraps up shoot of Prabhas starrer; view pics