The Massive spot fixing scandal gets murkier it has cast a shadow on the IPL-Indian Premier League. What with cricketers and alleged bookies being arrested ,the latest arrest is of Vindu Dara Singh son of famous Dara Singh and winner of Big Boss, who has been sent to police custody till 24th May.He has been booked under section IPC 420, 465, 466, 476 and 468.
As per information ,Vindu used to hang around with cricketers and extract information from them,using his fame, might have been a middleman between bookies and cricketer.This has been the first Bollywood arrest made so far in link to the scam.
Vindu was arrested by the Crime Branch for alleged Bookie link.Late at night from his residence at Juhu and will be produced in court .
Hope this Scandal unearths the rotten core.