Alia Bhatt has quite a busy month ahead of her with 2 films, from different industries, up for release. First she has Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani and then her Hollywood debut Heart Of Stone. However, the latter might have to wait a little more due to the changed circumstances in Hollywood.
Alia Bhatt starrer Heart Of Stone might get pushed
Heart Of Stone featuring Alia, Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan is scheduled for a release at August 11 on Netflix. However, recent developments amid the Hollywood Actors’ Guild strike might cause a postponement in the date. Currently, Hollywood actors are on strike which will probably continue through September. Thus, no actor can shoot, promote or do any activity related to that film in this duration.
Since Heart Of Stone is a Hollywood film, it might not be able to release on any OTT platform until the strike is lifted. The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists SAG-AFTRA), which represents more than 1,50,000 film and television actors, made an announcement on July 13 that after four weeks of failed negotiations with the studios, they are going on strike. They joined the screenwriters who went on strike in the month of May.
What is the Hollywood Actors Strike all about?
The strike is regarding the pay and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the actors. The row is with major film productions and streaming services like Netflix, Warner Bros, NBC Universal, Paramount, Amazon, and Disney, etc. They all fall under the umbrella of the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP).
The AMPTP represents over 350 American television and film production companies. In a recent statement, they reacted to the strike saying, “A strike is certainly not the outcome we hoped for, as studios cannot operate without the performers that bring our TV shows and films to life. The Union has regrettably chosen a path that will lead to financial hardship for countless thousands of people who depend on the industry.” For now, there is no end in sight for the issue. Depending on the negotiations that follow in the coming time, several films and shows will be affected.
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