The 77th edition of the Cannes film festival has seen Indian films and celebrities take centre stage. While Shyam Benegal’s Manthan was recently screened at the festival – after almost 48 years of its release, several celebrities and influencers made heads turn on the red carpet. Now, actress Anasuya Sengupta has made history at the festival. The actress has won the ‘Un Certain Regard Prize’ for Best Actress. This accomplishment has created history by making her the first Indian to win the award.
Anasuya wins for The Shameless
Actress Anasuya Sengupta, who hails from Kolkata, has won the ‘Un Certain Regard Prize’ for Best Actress for her performance in The Shameless at the film festival. The film, directed and written by Bulgarian filmmaker Konstantin Bojanov, revolves around Renuka (played by Anasuya), who escapes from a Delhi brothel after killing a police officer. The film also stars Omara Shetty as Renuka’s love interest.
Anasuya Sengupta wins Best Actress at Cannes Film Festival
Taking to Instagram a while ago, Anasuya Sengupta shared a post celebrating her Cannes Film Festival win. She wrote, ” In a historic win, Anasuya Sengupta becomes the first Indian to be awarded best actress in the ‘Un Certain Regard’ segment at Cannes Film festival for her performance in ‘The Shameless’ directed by Konstantin Bojanov. adapted from William Dalrymple’s novel ‘Nine Lives: In Search of the Sacred in Modern India’, the film revolves around Renuka, a character played by Anasuya, who escapes from a Delhi brothel after killing a police officer.”
Apart from Anasuya, Indian films Sunflowers Were the First Ones to Know and Bunnyhood also won the first and third place, respectively, in the La Cinef Selection at this year’s film festival.
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