Ram Charan Telugu superstar is debuting in Zanjeer a remake of the iconic movie Zanjeer, that had launched Amitabh Bachchan as the angry young man of Bollywood. Well in the new version Ram Charan has performed some high octane stunts, directed by action directors Javed and Aejaz.
According to sources, they had set up a set of slums for a chase sequence and Ram Charan had to drive at high speed chasing the goons. But as the filming was going on, a stuntman slipped and could have been crushed under Ram’s car, but thanks to his presence of mind the accident was averted. Along with this the other stunts performed were of the actor jumping from three-storey buildings, break window panes, smash glasses and dive underwater.
Along with Ram Charan there is Priyanka Chopra and Sanjay Dutt sharing screen space in the movie that will be releasing on September 6.