Subramanian Swamy and Aamir Khan

In November, Aamir Khan‘s one comment on the rising issue of Intolerance in India had led to national debate. Aamir Khan in one of the interviews had said that he feels alarmed with the instances taking place in India. He further said that his wife, Kiran Rao, had once suggested leaving the country fearing their kids future. These comments of Aamir on intolerance called for a big controversy for the star. Well, a few months have passed by since this controversy took place but, it seems that people are still agitated with Aamir’s remarks. The controversy refuses to die down with Politicians still lashing out at Aamir for his comments.


Recently, a BJP leader Subramaniam Swamy shared his opinion over Aamir’s statement and definitely not in the latter’s interest. He said that Aamir collaborated with Inter-service Intelligence, that is, ISI to promote ‘PK.’ He said, “I don’t give importance to the statements made by Aamir Khan. I know this fact that he had collaborated with the Pakistan’s ISI to promote his movie ‘PK’. He has still not come out with a clarification.” Further, he also called a dig at Aamir saying all that how can he say something like despite being the brand ambassador of the Incredible India campaign. He said, “Being the brand ambassador of Incredible India campaign him saying that his wife feels insecure in the country, was not right. If she feels insecure, she should leave.”

Political leader Ram Madhav too made it to the headlines for bashing Aamir for his supposedly insensitive remarks. He had said, “It will not work that you preach to an auto-wallah how the country’s prestige has to be saved but not tell the same to your own wife.”

Aamir had then clarified that he has no plan to leave the country and he is proud to be an Indian. Despite this, it seems that Aamir’s agony has not come to an end.



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