‘Lagaan’ famed actor Rajesh Vivek, who played an astrologer in the Aamir Khan starrer film, passed away yesterday at a hospital in Hyderabad after suffering a serious cardiac arrest. The actor was shooting for a Southern film when the attack occurred. Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan has posted a bunch of touching words on FacebookTwitter, while paying tributes to his once co-star who took his last breathe a day ago.


Yesterday we lost someone from the Lagaan family..Rajesh Vivek. You will always remain in our hearts baba. Your spirit, your energy and your love for humanity will always inspire us. Love. a.”- the actor wrote.

Vivek has acted in over 25 films during his career and popular serials like ‘Mahabharata’.

Also Read: RIP Rajesh Vivek: B-Town mourns ‘wonderful’, ‘fine’ actor’s demise

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