One of the most interesting couples of Bollywood is that of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai. The two fell in love with each other while filming of their action series ‘Dhoom 2’ and since then they have become a crucial part of each other’s lives. Abhi-Ash tied the knot in the year 2007 and well, they are living a blissful life with their little bundle of joy Aaradhya. So when someone decides to spend their entire life with each other, they do sign up for witnessing the weirdest acts of their partners. In their latest interview, Abhishek revealed the weirdest habit of Aishwarya which is kind of adorable too.
Aishwarya, apparently is very particular when it comes to packing the luggage, when they are out holidaying. In an interview with HT brunch, Abhishek was asked to narrate an activity that his partner is least happy doing and that’s when he said that Aishwarya is a maniac when it comes to packing for an outing. He said, “She’s manic and weird about packing everything in a certain way. I don’t know if she’s happy doing it, but I’m certainly least happy watching her pack.” Affirming this, Aishwarya responded saying, “He hates watching me pack. He doesn’t get how much thought and design goes into it. I’m a meticulous packer — even if we’re returning from a trip and are in a hurry, I’m OK with not sleeping the entire night and packing the way I like.”
LOL! We can fathom with Abhishek’s grief!
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.