Actor Akshay Kumar, who will be soon seen in “Airlift”, based on the evacuation of Indians based in Kuwait during the Iraq-Kuwait war, has expressed his respect to Jordan and Queen Rania Al-Abdullah on their efforts to protect refugees at a time when the world was once again experiencing a major refugee crisis.
Akshay took to micro-blogging website Twitter to spotlight the pain and suffering caused by war on the lives of those caught up in the conflict.
“Felt the pain of #refugees during @AirliftFilm filming. Respect to Jordan and change-maker @QueenRania’s ongoing efforts to protect refugees,” Akshay tweeted.
“Airlift” brings to the fore the little known story of how Jordan helped in the evacuation of 1,70,000 Indian refugees from Kuwait back to India during the Gulf War of 1990.
Directed by Raja Krishna Menon, “Airlift” also stars Nimrat Kaur.
The film will hit the screens on January 22.
Inputs by IANS
Also Read: Akshay Kumar – Hate any kind of nation-bashing in films
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