Alia Bhatt has showcased her singing talent in her previous films and this time again, she is all set to croon a heartbreak number in her next, ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania.’
According to reports, one version of the song has already been recorded by Arijit Singh and another version will be recorded by Alia soon. The director of the film Shashank Khaitan was the one who was keen on having Alia record a song. Talking about the same, a source said, “The plan is to come up with a song that is a few notches higher than ‘Samjhawan’ from ‘Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania’. And the lyrics of the song are such that Alia will do justice to it. If she agrees, it will work wonders for the film’s album.”
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The filmmaker too confirmed the news and said, “It will take us a month to freeze on our plans. It’s a work in progress. We want Alia to sing the track but let’s see how it goes.”
The film also stars Varun Dhawan as the male lead.