Everyone is waiting for the release of the lovable ‘Munna Bhai’ Sanjay Dutt from prison. Upon his return, the actor had intended to begin working on the third installment of the successful franchise ‘Munna Bhai’ series.
Besides acting Sanjay was also planning to re-launch his production house with a couple of films. Apparently, these are the stories which have been penned by the star himself during his jail period. As a biopic is planned on the life of this ‘Agneepath’ actor, he is ready to bring up a story on one of his inmate in prison.
Sources say, “Sanjay is friends with most of his cell mates and when he heard the story of this particular inmate, it touched him to the core and he immediately decided to make a film on it. The man is behind the bars following a family dispute and a significant part of the film will be of him inside the prison.”
The actor will be out on February 25, 2016, and is planning to start this project soon.
“He is definitely not co-writing this one but will be actively involved in the scripting and production. The film will roll this year itself,” added the source.
Certainly, the idea which has touched the heart of a tough personality like Sanjay Dutt would be an interesting yet very touching idea. Let’s wait for some more updates on this project.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.
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