Arvind Kejriwal: Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday called Nawazuddin Siddiqui‘s acting in his forthcoming movie “Manjhi-The Mountain Man” “very inspiring”.

“@Nawazuddin_S Nawaz, your acting is phenomenal in Manjhi. Very inspiring,” the chief minister tweeted replying to a thanksgiving tweet by the actor who said: “Had a great time in #Delhi & screening with Mr.Arvind Kejriwal Thanx for all the appreciation!”


Kejriwal and his colleagues had attended a special screening of the movie in the national capital on Tuesday. “Manjhi, the Mountain Man is simply superb… Very inspirational. Youth must watch it,” he tweeted after watching the movie.

Directed by Ketan Mehta, “Manjhi-The Mountain Man” also stars Radhika Apte. The movie is set to hit theatres on Friday.

Inputs by IANS