‘All India Bakchod’- they are back once again and this time with a spoof on The Aam Aadmi – Arvind Kejriwal and Babuji – Alok Nath. All India Bakchod have a new viral video called, “Dharna Dance” that features an Arvind Kejriwal look-alike dancing to a version of Yo! Yo! Honey Singh’s ‘Lungi Dance’
Nayak 2 – The common man rises a viral video first featuring the Kejriwal look-alike which was based on Kejriwal being a common man-turned superhero. In the video, Arvind Kejriwal takes tips and Aashirwad from the latest Internet sensation, Alok Babuji Nath on how to be middle class and win votes.
The new song has funny rap of the broom, cap, moustache, cough and everything that the AAP leader has now become synonymous with. In this new song Nath appears again but in a new rap and modern avataar.
Check out the video below :