Onir’s recently released film ‘Shab’ paved way for a dashing lad, and thus entered, the young and handsome Ashish Bisht. The boy, who has created a space for himself in the world of modelling, received a good platform in the form of ‘Shab’ to get an entry into Bollywood. Critics have liked his performance and applauded him for the same. The reason that he performed so well can be the fact that Ashish could relate so well to his character in ‘Shab’. His character in ‘Shab’ bears quite a few similarities to his real-life.
Ashish played a role of a character named Azfar who hails from a small town but holds big dreams. He travels all the way to Delhi to embark on a new journey. He is a struggler who wants to attain name and fame in the world of modelling and acting. How he achieves his goals is what ‘Shab’ is all about. In real-life too, Ashish has been the boy who comes from a middle-class background and who traveled all the way to Mumbai from Delhi to achieve his dreams. This very fact helped Ashish perform his character efficiently.
Ashish says, “The fact that the role I played in the film was so relatable certainly helped me to experience what the character was feeling. Many of the nuances were also picked up from my cousins who hail from villages in Uttarakhand and have never been to big cities. I am ever so thankful to Onir to choose me to play the role of Afzar.” (Also Read: ‘Shab’ actor Ashish Bisht reveals that he had been a victim of casting couch)
‘Shab’ also featured Raveena Tandon and Arpita Chatterjee in lead roles.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.