Salman Khan, who was sentenced to five-year imprisonment last year by the session court, had challenged this orders in higher court. Public prosecution in this case recently completed their arguments stating that Salman was driving the car under the influence of alcohol when this fatal accident took place.
Bombay High Court has now started dictating the verdict over the same. Recently, reports suggested that Justice A R Joshi had said that the statement given by Salman Khan’s bodyguard Ravindra Patil will not be considered as there are some differences in things that he said while filing the FIR and in the statement that he recorded later. Prosecution, on the basis of the statement given.
A recent update says that there are chances that Justice A R Joshi might finish dictating his judgement and the verdict on Salman’s case would be out today. It’s the third day of judgement and so far the judged has concluded, “This court has come to the conclusion that the prosecution has failed to bring material on record to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the appellant (Salman Khan) was driving and was under the influence of alcohol, also, whether the accident occurred due to bursting (of tyre) prior to the incident or tyre burst after the incident.”
After this, the possibility of Salman Khan getting some relief in his Hit and Run case has increased.
It’s been almost 13 years now since this mishap occurred. In 2002, Salman’s luxurious car rammed into four people injuring 3 and killing 1.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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