Salman Khan celebrated his 50th birthday recently and just like every year, this year too, he organised a grand birthday bash for his friends from the industry. The most glamorous faces from B-town were present at Salman’s Panvel farmhouse to wish this superstar a very happy birthday. But, the limelight was on Salman’s rumoured Romanian girlfriend Lulia Vantur.
Speculations were doing the rounds that Salman Khan is officially going to announce his relationship with Lulia Vantur on his birthday. This led to the rumours of Salman getting married to Lulia in the coming year. Unfortunately, during the media interaction on his birthday Dabangg Khan rubbished all the rumours and said that he just sitting back and enjoying the rumours. There’s no truth behind the gossip. But, the pictures which popped up straight from the celebrations venue had a different story to narrate. Lulia was spotted around Salman Khan several times and it seemed that both were happy with each other. Even in a recent video of Salman Khan’s birthday bash wherein Salman is cutting his birthday cake, we see Lulia Vantur standing right behind the Dabangg Khan along with his family. She seemed to be very comfortable to be a part of superstars Khandan. Lulia was among the Salman’s family members to get a piece of cake from the birthday boy himself.
Aww! That’s really sweet of Salman. We really want to see him tying the knot soon.
#PopDiaries EXCLUSIVE: Salman Khan’s Birthday Cake cutting and how lovingly he is giving that piece of cake to his girlfriend Iulia Vantur with his own sweet that’s a perfect AWW moment, isn’t it? Well, with this video we can now say that #Salman has already considered his love Iulia a part of his family…right na?P.S Tell us in the comments section whether you spotted Iulia in the video or not?
Posted by POP Diaries on Tuesday, December 29, 2015
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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