Bollywood’s golden couple Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif have called it quits to their six-year-old relationship. Rumours are abounding in Bollywood circles that Kapoor junior has moved out of the couples love pad where they had been living together for a year and is back in his parental home. On the other hand Katrina has flown over to Delhi for the promotions of her upcoming film ‘Fitoor’.
Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor had come closer during the shoot of their hit flick APKGK. At that time both of them were in  a relationship with someone else, Ranbir with Deepika and Katrina with Salman Khan. Soon the two broke up with their respective partners and a year back had been in a live-in relationship too. Since last few months, there had been a lot of tension between the two. The couple have tried to resolve their differences but things have been on a downhill since long now. The news of them parting ways has sent shockwaves among their friends and fans.
The lovebirds have parted due to irreconcilable differences. Rumours of things not being fine in their Eden has been on since the promotions of ‘Tamasha’, it seems that  Katrina was not happy with Ranbir Kapoor’s proximity with ex-girlfriend Deepika Padukone, she had voiced her displeasure during an interview to a  popular magazine. But rumours were falsified when the couple were caught kissing on the balcony of their Bandra home with Katrina attending the families annual Christmas luncheon, fans of the couple were setting dates of their marriage. But now it seems that it is the end of the road for RanKat.
We shall keep you updated on the ‘Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani’ soon.
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