Karisma Kapoor‘s ex-husband Sunjay Kapur recently tied the knot with his girlfriend Priya Sachdev. Soon the stories of Karisma planning to marry her boyfriend Sandeep Toshniwal started making it to the headlines. The couple, who earlier used to refrain from making public any appearance together, have now started to make joint appearances at Bollywood events. So with this we know that something is brewing between the two, but is marriage on cards? Well, Karisma’s daddy Randhir Kapoor has shed some light over this topic in his recent interview. (Also Read: INSIDE PICS! Karisma Kapoor’s ex-husband Sunjay Kapur’s wedding reception was a grand affair)
“I think Lolo is very well settled and happy. I have never discussed the issue of marriage with her but if she does plan to, she will always have my blessings. But I don’t think she wants to get married. She is a happy mother and if she wants, she can get married any time but there is no step in that direction right now. She is happy the way she is. Lolo is an excellent mother who dotes on her children and probably doesn’t feel the need to get married. Kareena too is very settled today and Saif has kept her very happy. He is a wonderful son-in-law and a fine man,” stated Randhir Kapoor to DNA.
In 2003, Karisma had married Sunjay in a big fat wedding. They have two kids together but after almost a decade-long marriage, the couple filed for divorce in 2014. Their divorce saga was quite an ugly one with both the parties making nasty allegations at each other. Both of them have now moved on in their respective lives.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.