Bollywood’s beloved couple Ranbir Kapoor & Katrina Kaif have called it quits after six years of togetherness and by now it’s no new to us. Fans haven’t coped well with the break-up and speculations are suggesting vivid reasons behind it. The hurly burly doesn’t just seem to calm down. Amidst all this, Ranbir Kapoor had to pay for this break up! Yes, take it literally. It actually cost Ranbir a whopping amount of 21 crore!


Reportedly, the couple’s love-nest in Silver Lines used to charge them a sum of 15 lakhs every month as rent and Ranbir had also paid 21 Cr. as the security deposit. They both were really fond of this cozy place; whenever on a foreign trip, they picked souvenirs for the penthouse. However, post break-up Ranbir moved out of and went back to his old house.  We hear Katrina as well is planning to go back, though she hasn’t yet. 21

Break-ups too can be expensive, No?

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