Sonam Kapoor has been crowned as the most fashionable diva of Bollywood, long back. We actually envy her wardrobe! She comes up with such out of the box fashion ideas and combinations that no one else will probably dare to try. From western to Indian, we have never spotted Sonam carrying any style with slightest discomfort.
However, there’s only one woman in Bollywood who can give Sonam a race for her crown. She is none other than Deepika Padukone. Off late, Deepika is absolutely alluring us with her attires. We wonder if love is the secret!
However, we recently spotted Sonam Kapoor wearing a beautiful Anamika Khanna creation during an event of her upcoming release ‘Neerja’ which reminded us that during a promotional event of ‘Tamasha’, we saw Deepika Padukone donning a very similar outfit by Anamika Khanna. While Deepika looked hot in her floral printed jacket with a pair of denims, Sonam wore her floor length jacket with matching printed bottoms. The floral print looked as gorgeous as Sonam herself is.
Do check both their photos and tell us who wore it better!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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