On Monday, veteran actor Dharmendra was admitted to the Nanavati Hospital following complains of pain and uneasiness. However, there’s a huge sigh of relief for his family and fans as the actor is recovering well. This good news has been shared by his wife Hema Malini on the social media.
The veteran actress and politician has taken to her Twitter handle writing, “Just to reassure everyone concerned abt Dharamji in hospital – he is recovering well & is likely to be discharged soon. Thank u all.” [sic]
Also Check: Veteran actor Dharmendra celebrates his 81st birthday with media at his Juhu bungalow!
Not just her, even Dharmendra’s elder son Sunny Deol shared this news of veteran actor’s recovery through his Twitter handle writing, “Thnx a lot for your concern about my father’s health. He was down with food poisoning and is recovering fast. Please don’t speculate about it.” [sic]
Have a look at their tweets here:
Just to reassure everyone concerned abt Dharamji in hospital – he is recovering well & is likely to be discharged soon. Thank u all
— Hema Malini (@dreamgirlhema) December 20, 2016
Thnx a lot for your concern about my father’s health.He was down with food poisoning and is recovering fast.Please don’t speculate about it
— Sunny Deol (@IAMSUNNYDEOL) December 20, 2016
Certainly, his fans out there and we also wish a speedy recovery for this veteran actor.
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Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.