Veteran actor, Dilip Kumar, who showed his acting prowess in films like ‘Naya Daur,’ ‘Mughal-E-Azam’ and many more has finally been relieved from his 18-year long court case. A case was filed against the actor when a company’s cheque bounced ages ago. Dilip Kumar was the chairman of this company then and hence a case against the star. Apart from him, the three directors of the company too were named in this case.
The Mumbai High Court, today, granted relief to Dilip Kumar in this case. After 18-long years, he was pronounced ‘not guilty’ by the court sending a big relief for the actor and his family. His wife, Sairu Banu had expressed her concern over this case with the series of tweets earlier. In her tweets, she informed Dilip Kumar’s fans that he is not in pink of his health and needs to relax. She posted,
1) From Saira Banu: Breaks my heart to inform @TheDilipKumar fans. tomm, Tuesday, 18-yr-old court case in which Saab has been associated,
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) February 22, 2016
2) will be up for judgement hearing at 14 Met. Magistrate court, Girgaum, presided by Hon. Magistrate BS Kharade…
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) February 22, 2016
3).. At 94 yrs, Saab’s health is delicate, facing neurological problems, yet Saab has never prayed for case adjournment
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) February 22, 2016
4. Hope serious consternation n stress caused don’t affect his condition further. Saab needs peace n rest. I seek your prayers n support
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) February 22, 2016
We wish Dilip Kumar a speedy recovery.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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