Superstar Salman Khan is a much-pleased man on this festive occasion. His recent Ali Abbas Zafar‘s directorial ‘Sultan’ opened to positive reviews and earned Rs 36 crore in its first day itself. The movie is expected to rake in over the weekend too. Well, Eid is a hot favourite of the Dabangg Khan as all his movies released on this day go on to make new records at the box office, and the same is expected from his recent release, in which the Khan is depicting the role of a wrestler.
There is an air of immense joy at the Khan household in Galaxy Apartment. This being the first Eid of Arpita Khan Sharma’s new born son Ahil Sharma and the release of Salman Khan and Anushka Sharma starrer that is reaping at the box-office.
Salman Khan’s father Salim Khan said, “No doubt, the film is doing great. But it’s for the audience to decide. I loved watching Sultan. He has worked really hard to look his part and has undergone rigorous training. With all the efforts that Salman has put into the film, I can only say, I have liked every bit of Salman’s acting.”
Salim Khan further added that, “I believe that emotions sell the most. Without emotions, there is no strength in the story. A good story is one that makes you laugh, cry and feel the character’s emotions. And Sultan makes this happen. Every man can relate to the story.”
Eid at the Khan household is a big event as family and friends gather under one roof and relish home made delicacies. Salman who loves to see his family together will also be joining them as usual. He must be quite happy that all his blood and sweat has paid off with ‘Sultan’ being much loved by his fans.
Salman Khan is truly the ‘King Of EID’.
Watch Eid celebrations at Salman Khan’s home,
Also Read: Salman Khan gets last chance to appear before Women’s Panel