The sequel of 2013 action drama, ‘Commando’ starring Vidyut Jamwal and Pooja Chopra is already in the making and the makers have zeroed in Vidyut and two heroines for the film. While only recently, it was Adah Sharma, who was roped in as one actress, the other one is now confirmed to be Esha Gupta.
Esha, who made her debut in the industry with ‘Jannat 2’, went on to do films like ‘Raaz 3’ and ‘Humshakals’. The actress recently took to her Twitter account to share the news with her fans. She posted a picture of herself, reading the script of ‘Commando 2’.
‘Commando 2’ was officially launched and went on the floors on February 17, 2016. While the previous part was helmed by Dilip Ghosh, the sequel will be directed by Devan Bhojani.
Also Read: Adah Sharma: Career’s toughest role in ‘Commando 2’
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