The current Hrithik Roshan-Kangana Ranaut legal battle has the media speculating wildly. However, till date all of the information has been one-sided. After maintaining a dignified silence for months, Hrithik has finally spoken directly about the matter from his side.
“Anything private that becomes public gives rise to speculation and unnecessary controversies simply because the general public are not privy to the whole truth.
Out of respect for everyone involved, I followed the legal path to resolve the matter in question so as to keep it private. It was a breach of ethics to reveal the contents of a private legal notice. Dignified silence is dignified up to a point, but there comes a time when the silence needs to be broken to protect one’s name, family and image.
The crux of the matter is that the mail id does NOT belong to me. I had filed a complaint in this regard with Mumbai Cyber Crime cell on 12 December, 2014 when I learnt of this impersonator communicating with said person. I have absolutely NO CONNECTION with this ID. The entire issue stems from a case of identity theft which has carried over to me. My complaint was reactivated on March 5, 2016 and the crime unit has made headway in tracking this person down. Once that is done, the matter can be laid to rest.
And finally, I believe that mental health is a grave and crucial issue which merits serious discussion. I would never address it flippantly nor use it as a personal attack. Any allegation to the contrary is a misrepresentation of facts. I was requested to keep silent and I did so for 2 years.”
The actor’s words certainly put a different spin on the story. Perhaps there is much more to the tale than we have been hearing.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.