Finally, filmmaker Karan Johar’s ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ was released yesterday post the controversy it was surrounded with. But it seems that now political party Maharashtra Navnirman Sena is behind another filmmaker whose film will feature a Pakistani artist working in it. It’s none other than actor-filmmaker Farhan Akhtar whose upcoming production ‘Raees’ has been threatened by the MNS. The reason for this protest is that Farhan has refused to pay the Rs 5 crore demanded from them for the Army Welfare Fund.
As many would know that Karan Johar was asked to pay Rs 5 crore from the film’s collection to the armed forces of India for the smooth release of his romantic drama. And now, the makers of ‘Raees’ have been put under the same condition.
‘Raees’ stars Pakistani actress Mahira Khan in lead role and the MNS party has recently demanded that all films having Pakistani artistes have to pay a sum of Rs 5 crore to the Army Welfare Fund as a compensation.
However, Farhan Akhtar, the co-producer of ‘Raees’ has refused to pay the amount. The ‘Rock On 2’ star even said in an interview to a television news channel, “No question of giving Rs 5 crore to the Army (for ‘Raees’) as they have refused to take it.”
Further, Farhan also said that being a law abiding taxpayer, the government should protect him.
After Farhan’s statement, MNS cine wing president Ameya Khopkar has said to a leading daily, “Release nazdik aane do phir dekh lenge (Let the film’s release come closer, we will look into it). By the way, where were these people when the decision of donating Rs 5 crore was taken? Suddenly everyone is waking up.”
Well as it is seen that both the parties have spoken on this matter. Now, let’s wait for more updates on this.
‘Raees’ starring superstar Shah Rukh Khan playing the title role is slated to release on January 26, 2017.
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