The teaser of Salman Khan‘s upcoming film ‘Tubelight’ left the internet buzzing for days. The teaser came out on May 4, and since then, his fans have been unable to curb their excitement. Withing 48 hours, the teaser registered 10 million views on YouTube and it became Bollywood’s first teaser to score so much in such less time. With this, we can surely say that ‘Tubelight’ is one film to look out for and well, for all those who are desperately waiting for this film, here’s a good news. The makers of ‘Tubelight’ are all set to unveil the first song from the film soon.
Salman Khan’s production house Salman Khan Films recently informed fans on Twitter that the song titled ‘The Radio Song’ would be out on May 16, 2017. Here’s the poster of the song.
We are so freaking excited for this one. ‘The Radio Song’ sure would get you grooving.
Directed by Kabir Khan and produced by Salman Khan’s production, ‘Tubelight’ is slated to release on the auspicious day of Eid. The film also stars Sohail Khan and Chinese actress Zhu Zhu in pivotal roles. (Also Read: In a quest to save his life: When Salman Khan was tied to a rope and thrown into a well!)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.