Shah Rukh Khan is the ultimate romantic hero that Bollywood could ever have. Whenever the actor opens his arms to his lady love in movies, which girl wouldn’t want to run to him and which boy wouldn’t want to be him. From his unmatchable charm and that dimpled smile, SRK is and always be the romance king of Bollywood.
But here are two men who are giving tough competition to the superstar when it comes to luring the ladies and are probably even better than him.
No, we are not talking about Bollywood actors, because no one can match him, except for his own blood ofcourse. Aryan Khan and AbRam Khan are bound to Shah Rukh’s romantic genes, and the two boys are already taking the actor’s legacy forward. Don’t believe us? Check out this pic below…
Now tell us, aren’t the two giving major competition to their father when it comes to scoring with the ladies. Well, we certainly think they do and are equally adorable.
Also Read: High Court refuses to stay Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Fan’ release on copyright violation charge
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