Filmmaker Karan Johar’s ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil‘ will see the two gorgeous and talented actresses of B-Town, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anushka Sharma together on screen, for the first time. Recently, Karan and these two beauties made their way to the ongoing 18th Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival for the promotions where Aishwarya and Anushka chose to share their first real-life meeting.
While attending a session Anushka Sharma talked about it saying, “She was too good to me during an award function abroad. I was called for a party in Mr. Amitabh Bachchan’s suite. I was 21 then and was scared. But she was so warm to me. She kept on asking me if I am okay or not. She didn’t need to do that but she did.”
To which Aishwarya added, saying, “She was shy, standing distant and uncertain. It was important to make her at ease and bring her in.”
Such a sweet gesture on Aishwarya’s part.
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Apparently, Aishwarya and Anushka would not be seen together in one frame except for one scene, in this soon to release romantic drama.
Talking about it, director Karan Johar said at the festival, “It was one scene, it’s a powerful scene.”
Starring Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role, ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ is slated to release on October 28.
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