Recently, a video of ‘Raees’ actress Mahira Khan conversing with Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor at an event in Dubai, had gone viral on the internet. Somehow the video had it that Mahira is pleading before Ranbir for God knows what reason. Internet went berserk with the rumours that apparently something was amiss between the two.
But well, putting all of these rumours aside, we have a report that states that everything was fine between the two and they were just having a normal conversation. As per a report in Mumbai Mirror, Ranbir and Mahira were just catching up, discussing work. Mahira apparently also recalled how she had so wanted to promote her Bollywood debut with her co-star Shah Rukh Khan in India, but due to the ban on Pakistani actors in Hindi Film Industry, she could not do so.
Alright! Then we suppose all the fuss over their video was for no reason.
For all those who missed that video, here’s a glimpse.
As far as movies are concerned, Ranbir would next be seen in his home-production ‘Jagga Jasoos’. He is also shooting for Sanjat Dutt’s biopic, wherein he plays the titular role of Dutt. (Also Read:Â WOW! Ranbir Kapoor to don six different avatars in Sanjay Dutt biopic)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.