Actor Diljit Dosanjh is truly going places in Bollywood. His recent release ‘Udta Punjab’ is already receiving much love from his fans. The ‘Proper Patola’ sensation is now busy with Anushka Sharma’s upcoming romantic release ‘Phillauri’. If rumours are to be believed then a top filmmaker of Bollywood is showing interest in the ‘Sardarji’ actor.
Yes, rumours are resounding in Bollywood that Diljit Dosanjh’s acting as a police officer in ‘Udta Punjab’ has caught the eye of our very famous filmmaker Karan Johar. The versatile celebrity is quite keen on signing up the singer-actor for his upcoming venture.
Karan at present is busy with his film ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ that stars Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai and Anushka Sharma in leading roles. He will apparently be meeting the ‘Ambarsariya’ actor to discuss the project. Diljit too is gearing up for the release of his upcoming Punjabi film ‘Sardaarji 2’ that has him depicting a double role for the first time.
Looks like Diljit Dosanjh’s career is truly taking off in Bollywood.
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