Bollywood actress Radhika Apte, is one name which is now being searched online, but not for a good reason. The actress has been caught up in controversy as a video clip from her movie ‘Parched’ has been leaked online. ‘Parched’ directed by Leena Yadav is been a winner of many accolades in various international festivals.
But this online leak has raised many eyebrows leaving everyone in a deep shock. The reason for this is that the video featuring Radhika Apte sees the actress fully bare as she lip locks with co-star Adil Hussain. Aseem Bajaj, the producer of this movie was contacted by a leading daily where he replied saying that he is not aware of the incident. He also added that he may approach cyber cell of the Mumbai police to take off the video.
Further producer Bajaj even thought that this clip may be uploaded from US or France as the film has already released there.
Elaborating completely on his point, producer Aseem Bajaj said, “I don’t think the leak happened in India.The film has released in the US and France and its possible someone uploaded them from there. The scenes are not sensational or titillating in any way. But in our country, while rape videos are available freely, sex is still considered taboo so we had planned to blur out the breasts. Radhika plays a woman who has been beaten up all her life and is yearning for a loving touch.” [sic]
“She’s like my sister, we did not set out to exploit her in any way. This kind of attitude stems from the way people view such scenes. I didn’t see men in the US and France ‘getting excited’. We haven’t sent the film to the Indian censors yet but I am confident the CBFC will understand the thought behind them and agree that they are integral to the narrative. We are not ashamed of these scenes,” added the producer.
This is not the first time for actress Radhika Apte to be facing such a controversy. Last year, another video of the actress from Anurag Kashyap’s short film had gone viral in the same way.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.