Shah Rukh Khan recently made the day of his young fans by posing for a picture with them. The Badshah is the brand ambassador of Reliance Jio. As the actor was shooting for an ad sequence for the company, he spotted some kids trying to catch a glimpse of their idol.
As Khan spotted these adorable munchkins who were his big fans he decided to meet them. He went towards them got his pictures clicked with the cutie pies. The smile on the faces of these kids was truly worth watching as they got their wish of seeing SRK fulfilled. The cherry on the pie for them was getting their pictures clicked with him.
Shah Rukh’s fans tweeted the adorable picture,
Shah Rukh Khan snapped with his little fans during Reliance Gio ad shoot yesterday.
— SRK Universe (@SRKUniverse) August 6, 2016
Check out the huge smile sported by the kids and seems like Shah Rukh Khan too looked pleased meeting his young fans.
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