The year 2016 has been an unlucky year for Bollywood couples. Ranbir Kapoor– Katrina Kaif, Adhuna Bhabani-Farhan Akhtar, Sushant Singh Rajput-Ankita Lokhande and other couples were seen going their separate ways. This trend continued with Malaika Arora Khan and Arbaaz Khan too calling it quits. The couple had given a joint statement that read, “Yes, it’s true that we are separated, we will appreciate it if you can please give us our space.”
Though their family members tried to dissuade the beauty from breaking up, it was to no avail. Malaika moved to a rented flat along with her son. Soon rumours of her relationship with many started doing their rounds in Bollywood circles; from Arjun Kapoor to a Dubai-based businessman, each one was linked with Malaika. Things turned worse when Malaika insisted on removing the Khan last name.
Looks like things are now going to change for the better. In a surprising turn of events, Malaika and Arbaaz have decided to patch up. Yes, the couple is reconsidering their decision and will soon be moving in together.
According to Mumbai Mirror, sources said, “Soon after both Malaika and Arbaaz decided to separate, efforts were being made by both their families to reconcile them. Malaika, who was eager to move on, seems to have agreed to sister Amrita Ladak and mother Joyce’s advice and will be giving her marriage another chance. She will be moving to her husband Arbaaz’s house in few days.”
In the midst of all those breakups, this news is like a breath of fresh air.
Also Read: Malaika Arora Khan entertained by Karan Johar’s phone conversations
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