Bollywood lovebirds Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are off to Austria for a vacation. The couple who impressed one and all with their cute PDA at the recently concluded IIFA 2016 awards in Madrid will have their families too accompanying them. Recently there were rumours abounding in Bollywood that things are not fine between the ‘Bajirao Mastani’ actors, and that their relationship seems to be going through some rough phase. Contrary to the rumours, the two seem quite happy.
Ranveer and Deepika, who are close to their families, have decided to go on a detox vacation. The couple along with their respective families have gone for a vacation to Viva Mayr spa in Austria, which is a hot favourite of many Bollywood celebs. The Singh and Padukone family will be bonding on some detox treatments and weight-loss and fitness regimes.
Apparently, Deepika and Ranveer are all set to walk the aisle soon. They have spoken to their respective parents who are quite excitedly planning for a big fat wedding. As per a tabloid Ranveer and Deepika will be tying the knot early next year.
On career front, while Ranveer is busy with ‘Befikre’ co-starring Vaani Kapoor, Deepika is gearing up for the release of her Hollywood debut ‘xXx: The Return Of Xander Cage’ co-starring Vin Diesel.
We are sure this is one big news for their fans who have been awaiting the nuptials of their favourite stars since long now.
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