Superstar Salman Khan is busy with the shoot of Kabir Khan‘s upcoming directorial ‘Tubelight’. After wrapping up the first schedule in Ladakh, the team has now moved to Manali for the second schedule. ‘Dabbang’ Khan seems to be enjoying his stint in the hilly region, He is not only busy interacting with the locals but was also seen sporting a local look with a Kullu cap adorning his head.
Salman Khan’s love for children is known to all, here too the actor was seen interacting with the local kids. Salman is at his happiest when surrounded by his little fans who shower their unconditional love on him. Here too he had much fun posing for pictures with them and also interacting with his little fans. The smile of joy on the faces of the children, makes his day.
Himachal is close to the Khan’s heart as his youngest sister Arpita Khan is married to Aayush Sharma who hails from Mandi town that lies around 108 kilometers from Manali. Salman and his family had visited Mandi to attend ‘dham’, a traditional community feast organised by Rural Development Minister Anil Sharma to welcome Arpita in the family.
On the career front, Salman Khan is shooting for Kabir Khan’s ‘Tubelight’ that is based on the background of the Indo-Sino war of 1962. The movie also marks the debut of Chinese actress Zhu Zhu in Bollywood. The film will release on Eid next year. Later, he will start working on ‘Dabangg 3’ and also YRF’s ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’, which is a sequel to Khan’s 2012 blockbuster ‘Ek Tha Tiger’.
Also Read: Shooting of Salman Khan starrer ‘Tubelight’ in trouble