Shah Rukh Khan recently attended the graduation day of his son Aryan Khan. The proud father could not help beaming that his children are all grown up now. Looks like the Khan was feeling nostalgic as he shared the difference between present day schools and the past. He took to Instagram to reminisce about the time when his father Taj Mohammed Khan used to drop him at school.
King Khan sharing a picture on Instagram and wrote,
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan whose recent release ‘Fan’ won him much acclaim for his acting prowess will next be seen in Rahul Dholkaia’s ‘Raees’. The movie also stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Pakistani beauty Mahira Khan in the action thriller. The action thriller will be releasing on January 26, 2017.
Also Read: SPOTTED: Shah Rukh Khan carrying his own luggage at a railway station
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