Bollywood beauty Anushka Sharma’s break up with Virat Kohli had shaken not only fans, but also the couple’s friends. There has been constant speculations on their relationship status. Bollywood circles have been buzzing with rumours whether the two have truly broken off.
Anushka has been busy with her two films ‘Sultan’ opposite Salman Khan and ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ with Ranbir Kapoor and Aishwarya Rai, which is on floor. On the other hand, Virat is doing what he is best at, winning matches for the Indian cricket team.
A few days back Virat and Anushka were spotted at a high end restaurant, where they had caught up for a late night dinner. Soon, rumours started gaining credence that the two have reunited. Now Virat has apparently cleared the air in an innovative manner. He was spotted wearing a T-Shirt that said, “We were on a break!”.
So does this mean that the lovers are back to being a couple after a short break? If true, then it does seem that true love has come out as a winner.
Also Read: Fawad Khan, Anushka Sharma to play Pakistani lovebirds in ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’