With so many Bollywood stars taking the Hollywood route, we wonder whether Bollywood’s Greek God, Hrithik Roshan would join the bandwagon too. Especially now that he is third most handsome face alive on earth, he sure has a chance to compete with Hollywood biggies. But here’s a trick to get him into Hollywood. Hrithik will only feature in a Hollywood film if the script of the film entices him. Not like he has never been offered any, but he has not liked any of it yet.
In a recent interview, Hrithik was asked about his plans to go Hollywood, to which he said, “I haven’t liked anything yet. It’s not about Hollywood, it’s always about a good script for me.” Well, only a good script can make him ditch Bollywood and go to Hollywood.
When asked about his achievement of being third most handsome man, he exclaimed, ‘Well, handsome is as handsome does. I am honoured, of course. I told my sons to remember to always thank people for compliments. This is a compliment, not an achievement.”
Okay then!
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.