ali zafar

The fever has got on everyone. As India and Pakistan are battling it out on the 22 yards during Champion’s Trophy final right now, we all are glued to our TV sets or online streaming. Even celebrities are a part of the craze and have been lending support to their home teams on social media. Natural thing, right? Then why was Ali Zafar slammed for supporting Pakistan on Instagram? (Also Read: Venice calling: Ali Zafar and wife Ayesha Fazli’s vacation pictures are not to be missed)

All the best team Pakistan from team #teefaintrouble

A post shared by Ali Zafar (@ali_zafar) on

The actor took to Instagram and shared a video with few others, conveying their encouragement for Pakistan, his home country. In no time, his post was flooded with remarks of hatred. While some went on a spree of abuses, some said he was shameless enough to earn through Bollywood and yet support Pakistan! Soon, it became a virtual India vs Pakistan, wherein both the parties forgot all sanity.





Have problem with a Pakistani supporting Pakistan? Grow up, may be!