
Actresses going under the knife to enhance their beauty is nothing new. We are aware of so many Bollywood beauties who have transformed themselves surgically for better. Shruti Haasan is one of them. She apparently got a lip surgery done recently and unfortunately received a good amount of criticism too for the same. Trolls never lose an opportunity to slam somebody and this time it was Shruti Haasan. But the beautiful lady has a befitting reply for all those criticising her lip job. In an interview with Mid-Day, Shruti said, “It’s my face, my body. What I do with it is nobody’s business. What people write about me on social media does not bother me. I am not answerable to anyone.” She didn’t accept that she has undergone a surgery nor did she deny it.

That’s not all. Shruti was also criticised for being a little overweight lately. Though it was clarified that the actress had gained weight for her upcoming film ‘Behen Hogi Teri’, the criticism did not stop. To this, she replied, “Looking good is a part of our job, but the unnecessary chatter about weight must be filtered. Maintaining an ‘acceptable’ figure for an actress is impossible. We are human. We gain and lose weight for roles and sometimes naturally too.”


Fair point well made, Shruti. (Also Check: Shruti Haasan cheers for a gay marriage as a friend of hers ties the knot for life)