Bollywood’s beautiful ladies, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor and more represented our country at one of the most prestigious film award ceremonies, Cannes, recently. Of course, they made many heads turn with their spectacular style statement, but at the same time, Aishwarya and Sonam, both were trolled for their respective fashion choices to walk the red carpet. Be it Aishwarya’s purple lipstick or Sonam’s flowing dress, both received some negative comments from the trollers. Sonam’s dress was compared to ‘Rumali Roti’ and several jokes followed on the same. To this, Sonam’s very good friend Jacqueline Fernandez has sent out her reaction.
As Jacqueline’s ‘Housefull 3’ is set to release soon, the lady is busy interacting with the media. At one such occasion Jacqueline was asked about Sonam getting trolled for her dress to which she said, “I just wish that they (trollers) try to walk the red carpet at Cannes and then pass the judgement and make fun. I went to Cannes only once and it is so stressful to be on that red carpet as there are hundreds of international press around you and on that you are representing India, representing a brand and there’s so much pressure to do it right so people need to give some credit for that instead of sitting behind the desk and making fun.”
Further, boosting about her bonding with Sonam she said that “Sonam’s opinion is very important to me because I know they are genuine. There are no other intentions but to be genuine and truthful. She gives a very honest opinion about everything. Her advice is very valuable,” when quizzed whether Sonam’s opinion matter to her.
Okay then!
Also Read: Jacqueline Fernandez breaks her silence on her link up with Arjun Kapoor
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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