Actor Jimmy Sheirgill‘s latest release ‘Happy Bhag Jayegi’ has just hit the screens. While the actor’s performance is being applauded, a leading daily recently quizzed him about the shift he made from films with solo leads to multi-starrer films, and whether the shift was a conscious one. Here’s what Jimmy answered!
“I’m often asked if I’m insecure while doing a multi-starrer project. But if that were so, why would I take up those films? For me, impactful roles have always been the priority. I did a ‘Munnabhai MBBS’ at a time when I was doing solo leads and two-hero projects like ‘Yahaan’ as it was something I was excited about. I think this notion of supporting roles is only here (in Bollywood), but it happens a lot in Hollywood and world cinema. I was afraid of being labelled a chocolate boy,” the actor said.
“At that point in time, it was a conscious decision to venture into doing more intense, slightly-off kind of roles, as I wanted to get rid of the image. I figured that it could go on for five to seven years, but what after that? Who will believe there’s more to me and that I can do something else? Today, I feel great about that decision. I would like to take up more light-hearted films as the intense ones drain me,” he added.
Films like ‘A Wednesday’, ‘Haasil’, ‘Madaari’ featured Jimmy in intense characters that brought out the actor in him. However, we love him no less in light-hearted, funny roles!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.