With its popularity at its peak, the controversial reality show ‘Bigg Boss‘ has become a good platform for the stars to get noticed. We have had people like Sunny Leone, Gauahar Khan, Sana Khan, Gautam Gulati and many more whose Bollywood career witnessed a good growth post their appearance on this show. But then, there’s one actor who has been rejecting such a offer for like forever. Yes, Rohit Roy, who will be seen as a villain in Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam-starrer ‘Kaabil’, recently revealed that makers of controversial show have been inviting him to be a part of this show since the beginning, but he has been rejecting the offer.
In his latest interview, he revealed, “From the inception of ‘Bigg Boss’, they have been calling me. And I am not cut out for it. I don’t know why they call me because I will be a very bad contestant.”
When asked why so, he says, “I know they have 38 cameras, I have “a life, family, a name. I am not going to chuck it all up to go to ‘Bigg Boss’. Although I find it very interesting to watch. There is a certain amount of voyeurism in all of us.”
He further adds, “I have been offered lots of money to appear on the show and there have been times when I’ve been swayed because I wanted to challenge myself, to see if I can live with barely known people and maintain calm, not burst out. For that reason I came completely close to it, some 6-7 years ago. Now the time has gone, it is not happening.”
Also Check: ‘Kaabil’: Hrithik Roshan and Ronit Roy shine in this new dialogue promo of the film
Okay may be not on the show, but we are certainly happy to see him ‘Kaabil’. His performance as the villain is applaud worthy.
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A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.