The “Queen” of Bollywood, Kangana Ranaut has been ruling the Box Office with back to back hits. Her last hit Tanu Weds Manu was loved by the critics as well as audiences alike and made big moolah at the Box Office. Kangana Ranaut is on the wishlist of every director.
Also see : These Pictures of Kangana Ranaut prove that she can rock any given look
However her lastest confession makes us wonder if success has got into her head. She confessed that many actresses are jealous of her, however she chose to not reveal the names.
Kangana said, “bohot jealously hai actresses ko. When asked who all, she laughed off and said, “ab main aapko baad mein bataungi, event ke baad.”
An Architecture student by Profession, a Bollywood Buff and Writer by Passion.