The last few months haven’t been easy for Karan Johar. Things turned complicated since post Uri attack (which was allegedly initiated by Pakistani terrorists), a part of the political as well as film fraternity started protesting against his film ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ as it cast Pakistani actor Fawad Khan.
After a series of hassles, Karan managed to bring his film to the theatres. However, he had to promise he would never cast a Pakistani actor in his films again.
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Recently at the World Economic Forum, the ace director-producer opened up about the same and said he had great respect for Fawad and his ability to perform.
“I have a great regard for talent and I have a great regard for Fawad Khan’s talent which is why he’s been in two of our films. The circumstances… we don’t know where we’re heading, and I think all great actors should find the best platforms.”
However, the pressure he underwent during the past few months is enough for him to stick to his decisions of not working with Pakistani artistes again.
“Having said that, I never want to go through what I went through again. Neither the situation, the circumstances, nor the apology. None of that is what made me feel comfortable. I felt weak, vulnerable, victimised, and as a filmmaker I don’t want to feel that. I just want to feel creatively liberated,” he added.
After watching how beautifully intense ADHM was, everyone wished Karan and Fawad to collaborate again. However, let us just hope Fawad finds the fame he deserves!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.