Kareena Kapoor Khan and Akshay Kumar have been paired in over 10 times in the past. While some of their movies did manage to make a mark, most of them were big duds.
Kareena however still can’t wait to work with the actor again. In an interview for her upcoming movie ‘Ki & Ka’, the actress was asked by us about working with Akshay again, to which she quipped, “I would love to work with Akshay Kumar. I have not met Akshay since a long time and I am not even aware as to which are his upcoming films. I think Airlift was a very good film and Saif is doing a film with the director of Airlift”.
Whatever their movies suggest, Akshay and Kareena does make a handsome couple.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan – I don’t have energy, dedication for Hollywood
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